
Chief Secretary Syed Asif Hyder Shah paid a visit to the Khatoon-e-Pakistan Government School for Girls in Karachi. During the visit, the Chief Secretary toured courses and spoke with kids.

Shehzad Roy, a well-known singer and social activist, represented Zindagi Trust, a non-governmental organization that has adopted Khatoon-e-Pakistan Government School for Girls, and briefed the Chief Secretary. He also emphasized the combined effort between the Sindh government and the Zindagi Trust to administer the institution.

Shahzad Roy also briefed him about the teaching license program, pointing him that Sindh is Pakistan’s first province to grant teaching licenses.

Shah praised the Zindagi Trust for promoting innovative educational ideas in government schools. He underlined the value of teaching as a noble vocation, citing his personal experience teaching Science and Mathematics as Commissioner in Hyderabad. He announced intentions to improve 30 teaching training institutions around the province and to launch a Master’s degree for teacher trainers in conjunction with Oxford University Press (OUP).

During his formal tour, Shah examined current building work at the school and visited the scientific lab, underlining the Sindh government’s commitment to supporting educational endeavors.

By Arshad Hussain

Arshad Hussain is an insightful writer on politics, entertainment, and technology, offering compelling analysis that engages readers and sparks conversation.

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