According to the report, the Karachi Bar has written to the chairman of the NHA, requesting that a direction be made in this matter.

The Karachi Bar Association stated in the letter that all attorneys should be free from toll taxes on national roads, and that instructions should be provided to the personnel of all toll plazas, particularly those in Karachi and Hyderabad.

The Karachi Bar Association also stated in the letter that attorneys should not be charged tolls if they display their Bar Council or Bar Association cards.

The letter stated that the decision to exclude attorneys should be made in the best interests of the lawyers’ community because toll tax personnel frequently misbehave with them.

It is worth noting that the Karachi Bar Association’s Human Rights Committee Chairman, Zahid Hussain, presented a request for toll tax exemption in the bar, which was accepted and delivered to the National Highway Authority chairman.

By Arshad Hussain

Arshad Hussain is an insightful writer on politics, entertainment, and technology, offering compelling analysis that engages readers and sparks conversation.

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